One on One Coaching with Carrie

Let’s not beat around the bush here…
Even though your confidence has taken a beating after living so long in an unhealthy marriage…
Deep down, you know you’re brilliant, beautiful, and talented, right?
And even though you might forget it sometimes, I need you to know that you are deserving, y
ou are special, and you are worthy of the most blissful love you can imagine.
What’s the problem? It’s not like you don’t know how to love…
You’ve spent years bending over backward trying to prove your love to your partner. But no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to put the broken pieces back together. I mean, sure, you have some good times, but before long, you’re right back where you started, bickering, giving each other the silent treatment, and craving the passion you once had. You keep wishing there was a magic potion that would open you and your partner's hearts again and rekindle the amazing relationship you remember… but a big part of you worries that it’s just too late and you’re just too broken.
Right now, you probably feel like you’ll never be able to get past this turbulent time in your life.
And let’s face it…
when you feel so uncertain and have completely lost confidence in yourself… you’re not exactly in the right headspace to be able to make such a big decision about whether you should stay or go.
It’s time to unravel the giant mess in your head and your heart so that you can make a clear-cut decision whether you want to STAY and fight for your marriage or LEAVE and forge a whole new life as an independent woman.
It’s time to rebuild the confidence that you need to be able to create an extraordinary life for yourself… whether that’s with your current partner or not.
It’s time to change the stories you’ve been telling yourself,
and become your most UNSHAKEABLE YOU!
What if that magic potion actually existed?
What if instead of TRYING so hard to repair your marriage, you instead focused on repairing YOU?
And once YOU step into the most glorious version of yourself, your partner can either decide to strap in for the ride, or get the hell out of the way.
Because YES…
You CAN create a passionate, intimate marriage!
Yes, you can create the LOVE you crave
Yes, you can have long walks, a night out dancing, and a HOT PASSIONATE NIGHT back home! (wink wink)
But more than anything else…
You’ll finally feel like you’re gliding on clouds again, because you finally remember, what it feels like to be happy. Instead of feeling like your marriage is withering away and your drowning with no life jacket in sight.
“We are not what happened to us, we are what we wish to become.”
- Carl Jung
When you work with me in my private coaching program, we will create a customized plan to get you into the right headspace to make a confident and empowered decision about where you should STAY, or GO! I will help you every step of the way to either create LASTING LOVE with your current partner, or break free as an independent woman who is ready to attract the love she truly deserves.
As your coach, I’ll support you to:
• Find and unshackle what you TRULY want, so you can become the most UNSHAKEABLE you!
• Overcome futile beliefs and old patterns that have left you stuck in this unhappy cycle
• Step out of your fears and destroy anything that’s going to hold you back.
• Say goodbye to that negative voice in your head that’s telling you you’re not good enough
• Develop the confidence and trust you need to make empowered decisions about what YOU want out of life
• Let go of the stress and overwhelm that has been clouding your mind and find a whole new level of inner peace
• TRULY accept and love yourself exactly as you are
• Get clear on what really lights you up in life… and go out there and freakin GET IT!
Our one-on-one coaching sessions are designed for us to do the deep work together. We will customize a plan specifically to meet your needs and permanently dismantle the self-doubt that has been making this decision feel so hard! Together we will find and nurture your true innermost desires so that you can live the life you were BORN TO LIVE.
Work with Carrie to become your most UNSHAKEABLE You!
Discovery Chat:
If you’d like a taste of what my coaching can do for you, book in for my 20 min Lasting Love Discovery Session where I will help you get to the bottom of why you’ve been struggling so much to decide if you should STAY or GO.
Take Action With Carrie
Signature Package:
A revolutionary 10-week transformation for ambitious women who are sick of feeling trapped in an unhappy marriage and want to create a big, bold, beautiful life with love, purpose, and ABUNDANCE.
Whats Included
Your Customized 10 Week Exceptional Women SOARING Experience Includes:
• Welcome and Orientation Pack so that you can dig deep and set your intentions for a powerful 4 months together.
• 1 X 90 min Personalized Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment that will give you valuable insight into what holds you back and the limiting thoughts that get in your way. You’ll be able to recognize how your own attitudes and perceptions are either working FOR you or AGAINST you and what you need to change to create the life you truly want.
• 9 X 60 min Bi-Weekly One-On-One coaching sessions over 4 months.
• Unlimited email / messaging support between sessions
• Supplementary Videos and Worksheets
• Customized Wellness Modalities Breath-work, Yoga Nidra & Meditation
• Library of exercises to map out a plan of action to move forward on purpose in every area of your new life
Continue Soaring:
After you complete the sessions included with your package, you can decide whether to continue with the coaching process. Additional continuations packages are available
Price available upon request
I’ve been where you’re standing, and I know how scary and confusing it can be. But I also know the power of taking decisive action and the incredible results that can come when you absolutely know in your heart whether you should STAY, or GO!
And I want you to experience the incredible FREEDOM on the other side.
If you’re ready to dig in and get real with yourself.
If you’re ready to change old thought patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.
If you’re ready to move forward boldly and powerfully…
Or even if you don’t FEEL ready… but know that you WANT TO…
I’d love to be the coach who helps you unleash your most UNSHAKEABLE YOU!
Discovery Chat
If you’d like a taste of what my coaching can do for you, book in for my 20 min Lasting Love Discovery Session where I will help you get to the bottom of why you’ve been struggling so much to decide if you should STAY or GO.